Our Dams

Manomin / Red Velvet / Kohler / Rain Shadow / Peggy’s Moonscape / Cannoli / Chinook


DragonRam Manomin Isla
born 8 April 2021
Manomin is a very people-oriented and loving puppy who brings great joy to her Guardian family and loves playing with her human brother and sister. Manomin is invisible phantom and carries parti, so she will produce some stunning puppies once she completes her health screenign and starts her breeding career in late 2022 or early 2023.
Dam: DragonRam Dakota Suki
Sire: Sunset Trails Bowie of Canadian Doodles
Colour: red – bbEe kyky atat Ssp (carries parti)
Size: miniature
Coat: fleece
GoHips: OFA Good
PennHip: R: 0.34, L: 0.35
Elbows: normal / negative
Eyes: normal / clear
PRA: clear by parentage
EIC: clear
vWD: clear by parentage
DM: carrier
IC: clear by parentage


DragonRam Red Velvet Chickadee
WALA 77143
Born Jan 5th 2022
Red Velvet Chickadee is from Pandora’s first liter. Pandora was bred to an F1b Labradoodle, which is a new generation, thus bringing in new lines to the Labradoodle breed family. The sire, Chip O’ Gold, is known for producing therapy-quality puppies and we think that Red Velvet meets that quality. She lives with a doting family in Montreal and enjoys the company of a canine sibling as well.
Dam: Canadian Doodle’s Pandora of DragonRam Doodles
Sire: Aspen Ridge Chip O’ Gold
Colour: black parti
Coat: curly fleece
PennHip: L = 0.48, R = 0.47
Elbows: normal
Eyes: normal
PRA-prcd: clear (tested)
EIC: clear by parentage
IC: clear (tested)


DragonRam Kohler
WALA 80041
Born 5 April 2022
Kohler is from the first litter of both Dancer’s our new boy Marvel. This litter was born shortly before Easter, so all the pups were given names of high-end chocolate makers. Kohler herself is a lovely chocolate pupy with nice phantom highlights. She is a happy, independent, playful and energetic puppy.
Dam: DragonRam Dancer
Sire: Canadoodle Carol’s Marvel In Black (Baloo) of DragonRam Doodles
Colour: chooolate phantom
Coat: fleece

Rain Shadow

Aspen Ridge Rain Shadow of DragonRam Doodles
ALAA: ALAA-135564
WALA: 86970
Born: 21 April 2022
Rain Shadow comes to us from Aspen Ridge Labradoodles in Kamloops BC. She is a lovely chocolate girl with some minor phantom highlights. Rain Shadow’s name is in honour of her place of origin – Kamloops sits in a “rain shadow” of the coastal mountains, meaning it is very dry as not much rain falls there, instead skipping over the valley and falling further east. Rain Shadow is a very funny girl who makes us laugh all the time with her antics. She is also very athletic, able to jump at least 4′ high if not more, and to scale a practically vertical cliff of 12′ or more! She lives with her canine sisters Sierra Mustang (Simu) and Phoenix at the DragonRam HQ.

Dam: Aspen Ridge Star of Promise
Sire: Labradoodledoo Buster Brown of Aspen Ridge
Colour: chocolate phantom
Coat: fleece
PennHip: L = 0.34, R = 0.35
Elbows: normal
Eyes: normal
PRA-prcd: clear by parentage
EIC: clear by parentage



Labradoodles By Design Peggy’s Moonscape of DragonRam Doodles
ALAA: pending
WALA: 54384
born: 27 May 2022
Peggy’s Moonscape comes to us from Nova Scotia, where the beautiful Peggy’s Cove features a stark, stony lanscape that makes me think of the moon’s surface for some reason – hence her name! Peggy-Moon is a petite, very cute girl who lives with a family that has one of our other dogs as a pet. So she gets to play with her canine big brother and human big sister every day.

Dam: Labradoodles By Design Piper
Sire: Scotia Doodles Denzel
Colour: chocolate phantom tricolour
Coat: fleece



DragonRam Cannoli
WALA 83230
born 25 June 2022
Cannoli is from our very own dear Simu (Mustang On The High Sierra). She is a lovely girl, rather petite, with a loving and sweet disposition. She lives near Montreal with a young human sister and brother so she gets lots of play time and many many snuggles.

Sire: Canadoodle Carol’s Marvel In Black (Baloo)
Dam: DragonRam Mustang On The High Sierra (Simu)
Colour: black tuxedo
Coat: fleece


Diamond Ridge Lady Chinook of DragonRam Doodles
ALAA: ALAA-135539
WALA: 90320
Born: 24 January 2023
Lady Chinook, nicknamed Schnookie, comes to us from Diamond Ridge Labradoodles in south-eastern BC, from the same breeder who sent us Kootenay Gold. Like Kootenay, her name honours her place of origin – specifically the Chinook salmon who spawn in the rivers of the region, and also the wind that blows from that region and over the Rocky Mountains bringing warm temperatures to the Alberta prairies that melt the winter snows. Lady Chinook lives with a canine auntie from one of first litters, as well as a human sister who loves to play with her. She is a very sweet, friendly and chill girl, with a great therapy dog temperament.

Dam: Bayside Sweet Pea (Gracie)
Sire: Mountain Home Gandalf (Jax)
Colour: chocolate parti
Coat: fleece